Shop local and save a family


This title seems, again, strange. But once you’ve read this post, you’ll understand what I meant.

Do you know those little flower stores? Or the bookshop, where the man behind the counter knows everything about your favorite author? I love those shops.
The people who work there, work with their hearts. They put their passion into their shop. They make long hours and work for our pleasure. They do what they love.


In this picture you see my mum. She bought some juice and fruit in this tiny store.  The man who worked there, knew where everything was and helped us find our route to the subway. Although his store was small, he helped us and thought with us.

Local stores make the economy. I believe they own the creativity. They have smart solutions, and are open for suggestions.

They are passionate about their stores and work with their hearts.

I also find the weirdest,  but cutest things in local stores. The nicest clothing, the books that I’ve never heard of, and the funniest postcards.


That’s  why I find it hard that local stores need to close. Bigger companies are taking over. They don’t share the passion. They don’t work with their heart. I support local shopping. And I hope you’ll do the same.

xx Jazzie


Londen; day 1


I went to Londen a few days ago. Only stayed there for 1 night, but it was awesome. I love Londen. I went with my mum and we had such a good time together.


We had an high tea, which wasn’t completely vegan, but most of the thing were vegan so everything else was for mum. 😄
Since I watched Sherlock on Netflix (about 2 years ago) I wanted to go to Bakerstreet.  I don’t know why but I’ve been in Londen 2 times since but never went there. So today we decided to go!


Here I am,  in front of his house. I was totally fan girling there. I doubt that’s even a verb, but you probably get what I mean.


We walked around the old Dickens streets and ate lunch in the sun. We ate dinner around Picadilly circus, and did some shopping. I only bought a bag in the Disney store. Cinderella is on it.

I already knew that you can eat a lot as a vegan in Londen, you just have to look good and go to different places. The tourist restaurant don’t have vegan options on their menu, but the local restaurants do. And you can of course always ask for it. I made a video about my day, you can see it here. I hope I made you all want to go to Londen. It’s amazing, definitely worth a visit.

xx Jazzie


High carb ninja


I still eat like the vegan high carb way. I love my carbs,  and I get them out of fruit or pasta/patatoes.

Of course I also eat a lot of veggies and rice. I love salads and beans.
I try to eat as various as possible, sometimes this can be quite challenging. Especially when I’m at work and need to eat something in a hurry. Most of the times I grab something fattening, something that makes me feel saturated for a short petite of time.

Why do I do this? Why do I make the decision to eat fat food that is actually not good for me.

I think it has to do something to do with the fact that I have little time. I need to eat in minutes and fastfood is easy to eat. It’s also cheap and you don’t have to do anything to prepare it. It’s just easy, I’m to much in a hurry and to lazy to make something before.

I want to do something about this because I’m gaining weight and it’s making me feel bad. I gained a lot of weight over the years and that was a good thing. Due to my illness I was pretty sick and underweight. Now I’m at a healthy weight,  but I don’t want to gain more. I already gained more than planned.

I think it’s a good idea if I think better about what I’m going to eat. I need to meal prep more. If I do that, there’ll be always something in my fridge I can eat before work.

xxx Jazzie


Fruit dumplings in Poland


I’m currently in Poland, in the city Poznan. It’s a short trip for my study society, and I’ll be there till Monday. 

As some of you may now, I need to try new things. I find it hard to stap outside of my comfort zone, so I need to train that. Now that I’m in Poznan, I really want to try some new things.


This is what I had; dumplings!
But not normal dumplings; fruit dumplings. They were filled with strawberries and raspberries. They taste really good.

It was a real step outside my comfort zone, because it’s hard to find vegan food and food that I can digest well. Fried of fatty foods hurt my bowel, so I tend to avoid them. That’s why I don’t do it. But I tried this and it was good. I’m so happy I dare to do it.

I’m curious what I’ll do next, here in Poland. I’m here with friends that I trust, besides that I brought my boyfriend with me.

I’ll keep you updated!

xx Jazzie


Vegan dinner club


I discovered something new. And I’m so happy I found it. Or better said, them. Do you all know the concept of a dinner club? You go to a location, people cook for you and you pay/or give something in return? (I also made a vlog about my day worth of food)

Well, today I discovered a vegan dinner club, in the middle of Amsterdam. I didn’t knew what to expect, and I hoped I’ll get some tasty food.

I got a really really nice, nutritional and healthy meals!  It cost 6 euro, but this was what I got:


In the cup is lemonade, freshly made. The yellow substance in the little bowl was Dahl soup. The orange sauce on the left was a mango chutney. Then there was rice with cashews, and a salad made of papaya, kale and other veggies. And finally the green stuff on the right was spinach with chickpeas and lentils. Later I got a dessert, a small piece of a cranberry cake, with maple syrup on top.

It was so great to eat with like minded people. They understood me as a vegan, I didn’t have to ask if the cake was made with butter. They all talked about how they knew we could change the world, person by person, by becoming vegan.

I loved it, and I will definitely be back.
Have you got dinner clubs where you live? Vegan ones?

xx Jazzie


Starting with a powerjuice


This morning I started my day with a power juice.  I had to be at work at 6.30, really early for me. I couldn’t eat yet, but didn’t want to work on an empty stomach. 

The solution?
A power juice from Brandstof! The juices from Brandstof are fresh (they have a 3 day fresh grantee) and made out of veggies. They have all kind of flavours, and they all give your morning a boost. They use ingredients like ginger or vennel, that really boost up your metabolism.


I think it’s never a good idea to skip breakfast completely, but to have a juice instead seems like a good thing to me.

What do you think about a juice to start your day with? Good idea or a no go? Is it to much of an effort, or do you buy it like I did?

Thanks for the reading, and like or comment. I’m happy to be sharing my journey for a better health with you.

xxx Jazzie


The potato diet hype


I think some of you (or maybe all) watch you tubers talking about their diet. (I show you my diet in this video you’ll see what I eat on a normal day ) Maybe you’ve seen High Carn Hannah, who just finished her potato diet. It turned into a massive hype, she even made it to the Australian newspaper. But why the hype? Let me explain things the way I see it.

What is the potato diet?
It’s a diet for 30 days, in which you’re only allowed to eat potatoes. Yes you can have some greens on the side, but the focus is on the potatoes.


Potatoes are your source for energy, and you’ll be eating them every meal. All kinds are allowed.

Why would you do this?
Eating one type of food can help your digestion. Your bowel has to digest only one type of food, what makes it a lot easier to digest. It can also work as a detox : it clears your body from toxins. It can help get rid of stomach pain or bad skin. Not for everyone, but for a lot of people.

Why the hype?
I think it’s because it’s something new and maybe ‘extreme’. A lot of people can not imagine to eat only potatoes for a whole month. Hannah also had great results so a lot of people are curious and want to try it themselves. I think it’s the same as it was with Freelee’s ‘banana island’  a few years ago.

Am I gonna try it?
No. I love potatoes, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to eat them for a whole month. I don’t see the benefits of that. I love to eat out; to eat with friends or cook with my love. I don’t think I’ll be happy to do this for such a long time. But maybe I’ll try it for a week.

What do you think about the potato diet? Healthy or not? Should I try the week version?

xxx Jazzie


Meet the runners


As some of you may know, I love to run. That’s why I started joining a running club. We run every Sunday, it doesn’t matter what kind of weather it is. We run every Sunday, even in the summer. I also run on my own, but running in a team gives me a good feeling. I always feel satisfied after our run. I love to talk to everyone and I love the little exercises we do in between. The most important thing is: you run for yourself, at your own speed, at your own pace. I love that.


It’s amazing to see how some of us are a bit older, and some young. Some of us are thin, some a bit bigger. But we can run together, because of our motto.

Everyone runs at their own speed, you run for yourself.

The group inspired me to work out more, and to come even when I feel not like it. When I’m having trouble with my disease, there’s always support and love from the group. No one is pushing me to push it to the limits, but they are motivation and prepared to help.
Working out feels like a blessing with people like that.

I can all advise you to join a club, because of the team spirit. Because you deserve to know: you don’t have to do this on your own. I hope I’ll be able to run with them for a long time.

xx Jazzie


Healthy Recipe: breakfast jar


Like everyone else I made a resolution this year, to eat more healthy. Did I manage to do that?  A bit.
Today this was my breakfast:


And yes,  it was as good as it looks. If course I want you all to eat good healthy (vegan) food and that’s why I’ll be posting the recipe.

Did I manage to do that? Yes, a bit.

I also made a vlog about my day, and what I ate. It’s a short video,  and all about my food.

-180 gram (soy) yoghurt
– 1 Apple
– 2 tbsp maple syrup
– 2 tbsp chia seed
– 1 kiwi
– a jar

How to make:
Cut your apple into small pieces. But them at the bottom of your jar. Fill your jar up with yoghurt. Then put the maple syrup in, and sprinkle the seeds on. Cut the kiwi and finish it off with the kiwi in top. Enjoy!

Start your day healthy with this breakfast. And you can take it with you, it’s in a jar and easy to bring with you.

xx Jazzie


Hitting the gym; on the machines


Which of you guys visit the gym? And with visiting, I mean more than 3 times a year. (After Christmas, Thanksgiving and before your holiday)

I recently got myself a new gym membership. I’m very proud of that. I run a few times a week, but I wanted to do something more than cardio.

I got my membership and I went. By myself. I was completely overwhelmed by all the machines, and in the end I only went on a bike and in the steps.
Not what I had in mind.

So, determinate to do it better, I went again. But what to use, and how? I asked it to my gym teacher. She helped me understand why machines can be helpful during your process, and now I wanted to share my new found wisdom with you.

There are a lot of machines; and it’s good to use them on certain area’s. The benefit is that with one machine you (most of the times) train different areas. So it’s always good for something. It can also help training parts that cardio isn’t training.


Going to the gym and use the machines isn’t a man thing only. If you follow the steps on the machine or in the guide, it can be very beneficial for muscle grow and a stronger body.

So don’t hesitate; ask someone to join you and just try things out. If you’re insecure like I was, you can always as an instructor to help you out. You’ve already done the hardest part: to go.

Good luck and a good training!

xx Jazzie